mh bio-by-decades

English, baby-boomer, 'retired' (as if!), lives in Sussex. **70s** *Radical Science Journal*, Workers Self-management in Science conference, *Chemco News/*ICI shop stewards' research coop. Follower of Lucas Aerospace Shop Stewards' Combine alternative plan. **Rank-&-file organising.** **80s** *Living Thinkwork*: 'cultural materialist' politics of knowledge production, working life & emotional life. *Science or society* perspective of radical-science movement. Greater London Council: strategies for workers’ counter-knowledge, women and IT, participatory development of IT based work infrastructures, computers beginning to be everywhere - first word processor! **Experimenting in 'the Partner State'.** **90s**: Participatory configuring of workplace IT, work practice R&D, knowledge intensive services in national systems of innovation, ethnographic & ethnomethodological R&D strategies; globalising of radical practice. **Business school self-management/R&D context.** **Teensies** - Radical science/libertarian socialist legacy, ’the generative dance of knowing' on a world scale. Publications in [ResearchGate]( and on website - Direct making of society in ordinary life is central - theorising essential ('organic intellectual' capability) - technologies pervasive (digital, profoundly so) - platforms helpful - commons fundamental (and 'hot' at this time for deep reasons) - facilitative practice crucial - emotions and emotional skill pivotal - the State unavoidable but a pain in the arse and a problem. > ‘Introduction’ in Loomio: 2018 06